
This is me. This is about my life and a way for me to keep my Sanity. Long Live Rock.....

Location: cape coral, florida, United States

I'm 40 yrs old going on 25ish. I love to sit in front of my 16 track digital recorder and lay some tracks down...I love being with my children

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I can't do it all myself!!!!!!!!!

I just can't do it all myself. I can't be the one to get up and get stuff, I can't be the one to call up a bank and get a deal bought. I can't be the one to handle the paperwork. I can't be the one to syop what I'm doing so everybody else can get whatever they have to do done......While I keep slowley slipping into a fucking coma. How the fuck did I end up being the Shell fucking answer man. It seems lately everybody has me handle all their shit, and I am now about to explode. Do this do that come here dont come here come have sex I dont want sex I love you I dont love you get me this get me that stay here go there......FUCK EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger PTfan said...

Sorry to hear that Michael. Do't let them destroy you. I'm sure they are not doign it on purpose. Say no to them sometimes. But try not to explode on them. It's all of them doing a little something and it all adds up. They probably don't even know. Maybe start giving them back their own responsibilites while explaining to them that is their responsibility. You have your own, they have theirs. You take care of yours, they take care of theirs. Get aloe and quiet. Get organized. Figure out what's yours and what's not. Get control and keep it. It's ok. It's overwhelming because it's been a big build up. Break it up into mangable bite sized pieces and deal with it that way. Hand things back to where they belong.
God bless you!!!

6:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like you need some time alone with your Strat!!Hang in there man!

5:29 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

Hi Michael,
sorry to hear you are having tough times. Tough times don't last, tough people do. Yeah, play the guitar and think about what you want out of life, don't let others make you miserable.

Hope everything works out. The Who later this year mate, something really exciting to look forward to ay?

6:13 PM  

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