
This is me. This is about my life and a way for me to keep my Sanity. Long Live Rock.....

Location: cape coral, florida, United States

I'm 40 yrs old going on 25ish. I love to sit in front of my 16 track digital recorder and lay some tracks down...I love being with my children

Friday, September 30, 2005

Deathly Afraid of Death

The only television I watch is News, Discovery and any History/Science channels. I was watching the Science channel on Tuesday night. It was about the Cosmos and how the earth will someday be engulfed by the Sun. That's a long ways away, the sooner destruction of life will come when the moon, which is currently moving away from the earth, gets so far away the earths weather will be intolerable for life to live. Fascinating isn't it?
But as I watch I can't stop thinking that I, my wife and my most beautiful children whom I cherish so much WILL DIE.... This is something I can't accept. What will happen. Do I just stop. Not exist. Where's Mozart, George Washington? We just stop. What goes on after. I am one that doesn't believe in after life, but hopes for one. I don't want to just not exist. I want to go somewhere to see my children. At some point billions of years from now the whole universe will either expand so far that all matter justs disinigrates, or collapses back to the size of the Sun.
I can't comprehend the fact that I/We will just stop, no more. No more thinking, talking, laughing. It's not like we are going for a long nap, we won't dream. Our minds won't work. We will just STOP. And I am Deathly afraid of THAT.


Blogger Model citizen said...

I don't know about you, but I would rather everything just STOP than be consciously aware that I'm laying in a box under six feet of dirt, or put into a 500 degree oven to turn into ash. Yuck!

P.S. I believe in Heaven and Hell so I'm not too worried about me or my family.

1:31 PM  
Blogger musicmikey said...

I believe that we create our own personal heaven or hell through our day to day choices, and through these choices we arrive at a place we can accept.
I also reckon that the cosmos runs to a different time scale, and our awareness of life or our 80 years of existence cannot comprehend the time periods of an astral body's existence, like the sun.
As for just stopping, you must know that energy cannot be destroyed, only changed.
Change is how we percieve time. And i'm sure your aware of the strange phenomenon of particals from smashed atom's existing in two different places at the same time. Which lends scientists to believe in parrallel universe's, and maybe how the 'big bang' occurred. I think this is know as 'M therory'.
I find all this stuff really interesting, and really enjoyed your blog Michael, thanks.

6:53 AM  

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