Adoption...Not so easy..
Sherry and I were sitting on the couch reading the news and watching a program on "The Lost Children of China". Now these adoring little children are homeless and living on the streets.
There was one particular story we saw, which was about a 3 year old girl living on the street and drinking water out of a puddle, which was right in front of a really expensive restaurant. The patrons of the restaurant did absolulty nothing for this child, they just ignored her and went on ordering the very expensive (mystery meat) meal.
I left the room in tears thinking how can someone just sit there and not do something. So I got on the web and looked for adoption agencies or Church organizations to help get one of these children out of there. My research left me in a worse state than I started out at.
40,000.00 to 50,000.00 US dollars to get one of these children out of the streets. Why would this government, church be so greedy and not just care about the safety and wellbeing of the child. They wanted me to refinance my home and then spend 2 weeks out there, go thru more red tape. Listen heres the money for airfare, I will fly out. Save the child and fly back. How fucking hard is that. IM sure the child doesn't care about red tape or money. Just food, water and clean living.
Well IM not going to give up. Sherry and I will go to whomever and save one of these children. We always wanted a girl and never had one. We will save one of these kids. If we can't have a girl then we will save a little boy. Then we will try again to adopt a girl.
These kids deserve a chance like any other child. And we are going to give them that chance.
If anybody knows how we can get around the red tape please send it.
Now I am broken hearted.
I can however, see some need for redtape. While I believe you and Sheri to be of good sound moral fiber, not everyone reaching out, is. There are sick people out there who would like nothing better than to take a child in, and torture them in some unimaginable fashion. So a degree of "tape" is needed so these poor kids don't go from horrible to worse.
I do agree though, if it's just money. Get them here, at least to a "halfway" station until "redtape" is squared away.
Too many people in our country believe, "we need to clean up our own country first, then take care of the rest" I don't agree. I think "there but by the grace of g-d go I'. And if not for me then who? You have to do for this world what you feel is important.
If it means so much to you to help save a life, one child at a time, here or in another country, I'm rooting for you.
If you do get your little girl. Keep us posted. I'll pray for you.
It's so sad.
Communism with laws like one child per family = DESPAIR
Seems like an awful lot of money to save a child, but every child is precious. I really hope this works out for the two of you.
Adoption is priceless! I know this firsthand and perhaps someday shall share the story!
It takes a special person to want to adopt and quite more special to do so.
Best of luck to you both!
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