
This is me. This is about my life and a way for me to keep my Sanity. Long Live Rock.....

Location: cape coral, florida, United States

I'm 40 yrs old going on 25ish. I love to sit in front of my 16 track digital recorder and lay some tracks down...I love being with my children

Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Ball is Rolling

Well we got the ball rolling and got the applictions filled out for adopting overseas. We will see how it goes. I finally found a place that seems to care about the children. We may have to spend some time out in China to escort the child home but that wont be for a while. I hope we wont get our hopes up.I will just keep trying. Im sure there are a lot of other couples out there trying that are not as lucky having children like we do. I will keep it posted.The name of the agency is American World Adoption Association and the cost is between 21,000. and 23,000 dollars which isnt bad considering the cost of raising a child to the age of 3 or 4 years old. The whole process should take 13 months.


Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Not sure what our church costs to adopt but it is the very cheapest out that that I know of and I am proud to be associated with such an organization that does not want to profit considerable from the handling of a life's guardian!

I knew this family when I was in elementary school that adopted 6 Ethiopian boys, all brothers and all grew up very loved and respected here. I remember everyone always admiring the adoptive parents for their huge hearts! They already had 4 children of their own!!

4:25 AM  

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