Rachel Fuller's Ebay Store
I love it!!!! And Sherry can get all the stuff she want's and still stay at home.......Hmmmm....Anyway I wanted to post this because I am sure I will be buying a lot of stuff from Rachel on Ebay. I don't want to get into bidding wars though, between loyal Blogger(ettes) I think if SuperAmanda or Ballerina Gurl or Gary or any other great fan of Rachel is bidding on something I don't want to possibly win and ruin anything for that fan. So if you want to post your Member Id on this Blog please do so I can make sure I don't go on some crazy bidding spree. Sure anybody else who cares. But to the people who have been so faithful to Rachel and to the Bloggers who have commented such kind words and thoughts. I wouldn't do that to them....It's not being a good person...that's my thinking anyway