
This is me. This is about my life and a way for me to keep my Sanity. Long Live Rock.....

Location: cape coral, florida, United States

I'm 40 yrs old going on 25ish. I love to sit in front of my 16 track digital recorder and lay some tracks down...I love being with my children

Friday, March 31, 2006

The Bombing of Dresden......War Crime?

I was sitting talking to a co-worker of mine and the thought of senseless bombings came up and Dresden was the topic. The use of incendiaries to me was an assault on the civilain population and nothing more. There were no factories, airfields or major military buildup. There were railroads nearby that were bombed, but were up and running 2 days later.
Out of 28,410 houses in the inner city of Dresden, 24,866 were destroyed. An area of 15 square kilometres was totally destroyed, among that: 14,000 homes, 72 schools, 22 hospitals, 18 churches, 5 theatres, 50 banks and insurance companies, 31 department stores, 31 large hotels, 62 administration buildings as well as factories such as the Ihageee camera works. In total there were 222,000 apartments in the city. 75,000 of them were totally destroyed, 11,000 severely damaged, 7,000 damaged, 81,000 slightly damaged.
The precise number of dead is difficult to ascertain and is not known. Estimates are made difficult by the fact that the city and surrounding suburbs which had a population of 642,000 in 1939 was crowded at that time with up to 200,000 refugees, and some thousands of wounded soldiers. The fate of some of the refugees is not known as they may have been killed and incinerated beyond recognition in the fire-storm, or they may have left Dresden for other places without informing the authorities. Earlier reputable estimates varied from 25,000 to more than 60,000.
All those inocent woman and children, schools and sick innocent people some actually giving birth in hospitals. I can't imagine growing up in that time being there seeing children as young as mine running, crying and dying.
These are the thoughts I get that make me look for spiritual guidance. Maybe thats why I love the teachings of Meher Baba, I don't know . Maybe I just love life too much to see it just get sensesly destroyed with a decision from someone who doesn't care.


Blogger Koos F said...

Thanks for your comment on my Old World, Michael. I especially learned to appreciate my surroundings after travelling through parts of Canada and the USA.

Learning about war atrocities can be a depressing discovery trip. After Dresden it went on. A similar story exists about Hiroshima and Nagasaki: deliberate war crimes. Vietnam: large scale genocide, but there were other criminals: Pol Pot, Stalin, the list goes on and on.
You can read a detailed description of the Dresden bombing in the following pdf

How to deal with this? I'm not sure. I notice that most people I meet, including my sons, either deny how bad it is, or prefer not to now.

I think it is not by accident that I feel so strongly attracted to all things Pete Townshend these days. He called the studio 'Holy Ground'.
I suspect that those who claim that the confontation with these terrible things must take place on a spiritual level are right.

It seems you are somewhere on that path. I trust it will be for the benefit of all.
Much love,

3:59 PM  
Blogger Dale said...

Dear Michael

Senseless & depressing.

We can only hope that we learn from these atrocities. I desperately hope we can teach our children...

I am not as familiar as some with the teachings of Meher Baba, but I do believe that I do my best to follow a wise, gentle & spiritual path. I am a firm believer in Karma.

Like Koos, Pete Townshend holds a strong spiritual connection for me. I think that may be why I became such an admirer of his. What also attracted me to Pete, besides his music & genius, is the fact that he is so human & is not "perfect" - just like us.

To change the subject slightly...

You work at a huge Ford dealer & I work as the world's smallest dealership!
There are exactly 12 employees.
That is why we all wear different hats at times.
When the prep boy is sick, I put away my pen & computer & head to the shop to detail vehicles...


6:34 PM  

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