
This is me. This is about my life and a way for me to keep my Sanity. Long Live Rock.....

Location: cape coral, florida, United States

I'm 40 yrs old going on 25ish. I love to sit in front of my 16 track digital recorder and lay some tracks down...I love being with my children

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Yard work sucks....... Not the music either

Well Sherry had a great idea!!! Let's remove all the mulch around the whole friggin house and replace it with river rock. Ok I said, call the landscaper and handle it. She calls back "The landscaper said that it would be cheaper to remove the mulch ourselves". Ok I'll do that. I broke my friggin back doing it too.
Thats not the screwed up part. Thursday she had 7 yards of river rock delivered and dumped on the driveway. I said "when is the landscaper coming to put it around the house?" She said "Its cheaper for us/YOU to do it....." What the hell!!!!!!
And I had to do it????? When? Oh yeah,,,,, On my only day off!!! 7 friggin yards of heavy friggin rock!!! On my only friggin day off!!!! Fuck This!!!! And oh by the way I had to get it done because its my son Matty's birthday on Sunday.
So today is Saturday, and I can't move any friggin part of my body. I mean nothing!!! I thought working 70 hours a week so we can afford to have companies do this shit was the whole reason for this (avoiding pain). I guess not.
Well I learned a lesson: When it's time to do yardwork---sell the house!!!


Blogger Gary said...

oh man... sorry to hear that Michael. I've got a real bad back right now, so, there is absolutely no lifting around here, except lifting my ass out of bed..

Glad you like the new tune. I'll try to send a CD out to you.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

HAHAHAHAHA You sound like me doing the project, and my husband working many hours to pay someone else to do it! Lesson learned eh? LOL

Hope to see you Wednesday. Wanted to extend an invite to the ITA Chat. Link will be over on my blog! Did you ever get your bag??


3:37 AM  

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