
This is me. This is about my life and a way for me to keep my Sanity. Long Live Rock.....

Location: cape coral, florida, United States

I'm 40 yrs old going on 25ish. I love to sit in front of my 16 track digital recorder and lay some tracks down...I love being with my children

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


What was I running from?
Why was I poisoning my soul?
What was I going to gain?
What kind of father was I?
All these questions I ask myself when I wake up in cold sweats at night. I have bad dreams, but they aren't dreams anymore they are memories. Memories of heroin, cocaine and alcohol. My 3 vices. I would turn to these, mostly heroin when I felt a certain way. I can't explain what I felt to make me start using. My problems never went away either. They just got worse. I still would play with my boys, even on heroin.. Because I could, but half the time I would just nod off for what seemed hours, but was seconds. I would come to with Mikey pinching my cheek. "Daddy, Daddy..I said look at me". I would give him a little smile and wink with my half open eyelid.
I ripped off my kids. I ripped of their memories. They should off had different memories of that time playing. I can only hope they don't remember...
Never shot up. I found that disgusting.. Imagine that (disgusting...Me). I would sit down with my acoustic sometimes and took a couple sniffs. Thinking it would help my creative juices. Bullshit. The only creative juices were the ones dripping on the strings from my already red nostrils. I joke about it to myself now sometimes, just so I don't cry. I don't mind what I did to myself, but what I did to my children. They deserve more than these memories.
Economically I took care of the family. Making 180,000.00 per year with no college I thought was doing good. Anytime they needed something I got it done. I gave them the best of everything...Except myself.
I will sit down with the boys and explain myself to them, so I can guide them in the right direction of life. I worry about them more and more now. Maybe because Im getting older. Or maybe because I hope they don't grow up to be like I was.
I think I used the drugs to escape. Escape myself. I kept looking in the mirror and I kept seeing my father(the biological one). The one who left us when I was 3, Gina 2, and Kathy 4. I've been trying so hard not to become him. But everytime I looked in the mirror, there he was.
Sounds like a good song, not this one.. I remember hearing the song "Father of Mine". Heard it once then every time after that I would hit the power button to turn it off. I think I've been trying to escape my whole life. Escape what????
I need to make sure I am ok so I can do my "JOB" and take care of my loved ones who count on me. That's what I'm doing. My life now couldn't be better. Well it could be a little better. I have a great family, who returns the love and affection I give them. I have great friends on the Blogsites that make me feel good when we write back and forth. My health is good.
So what am I trying to escape from?..... The itch...The little voice...The craving... The wonder if..
It's a long road and everyday is a test of strength. That's why I keep playing, recording and listening to music. Thanks Pete, for making words and music I can escape to now. I'm not saying Pete Townshend saves my life. His words and music put me in a zone where I feel happy and can focus on what is really important...ME.


Blogger Gary said...

I have to comment.

Live for your family, enjoy your family and your music, it will drown out that little voice.

I feel for you, although, I've never done drugs, I can imagine addiction, having seen my Mum as a suddenly divorced alcoholic.

Somebody saved Pete once, thank God. And I'm glad he's alive and as vital as ever through his writing, the next album whatever that happens to be, and I've never even met him.

You're better off without substance Michael, and I've never met you, but from what I can tell, you seem nice.

Stick to your music and the things you love.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

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3:04 PM  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

congrats Michael on the bag from Rachel and the contest!

I do hope you will be able to enjoy your family! Addiction is really a hard thing to overcome! It also takes guts to be open about it all so kudos to you taking that vital step!

You should post pics of your children here and focus on them! I am sure they are sunshine in your somtimes dark altered state.

Count your blessings, it's how I sometimes make it through my day.


3:05 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

Great story you posted on my blog about Kieth Moon. Good 'ol Moonie huh, he was THE GREATEST ROCK DRUMMER OF ALL TIME..

Congrats on winning the satchel, damn you!!

5:24 PM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

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9:09 AM  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Michal I collect handbags too ...would love to see your sisters work and even obtain one if I like. Do post a pic of it please. I love to support other artists and their passions!

Take care this weekend!


3:46 PM  
Blogger musicmikey said...

Great blog Michael, really honest and liberating, good question. Maybe its you as a child asking these questions, and none of us like being ignored. We don't need the answers, but we still ask.
I loved your blog Michael, thanks for the shared thoughts.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Julia said...

Thanks for the blog comment, sorry I'm so late in replying.

Your blog is truly special. This post in particular is really touching. I haven't lived much of life yet but the fact you've kept going through trials as harsh as addiction is something to be proud of.

I agree that music can put you in a "zone." It's so powerful. I can't believe I ever thought for a second I understood it.

10:54 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

Michael, thanks for blogging. You're right, Music is just such a wonder for many of us.

In Pete's latest entry, he says:

"whenever I hear that song, I remember that feeling of weightless, timeless security. Carried by some higher power, by some cosmic shuttle to a safe place. And the descent from that plane is never sudden. What does a great pop song like that do?"

There are songs that do it for me time after time. Recently figured out the correct chords to Bargain, apparently the accoustic is capo'd on fret one. When I play along to that song, I just disapear, the groove is so delicious and right there. To Pete's retorical question, I think if the groove is great and the words say something to you, then it's got to be a hit.

Hope you are having a great weekend.

7:41 PM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

Have you checked out
I think you'll be happy. It's one reader's interpetation of TBWHM and I think it is pretty "dead on".
It's short and sweet. You can read it before or after reading the actual Novella!
I feel compelled to share this info with you, if you haven't checked it out already.
Be Well!

12:06 PM  

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