
This is me. This is about my life and a way for me to keep my Sanity. Long Live Rock.....

Location: cape coral, florida, United States

I'm 40 yrs old going on 25ish. I love to sit in front of my 16 track digital recorder and lay some tracks down...I love being with my children

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Being Bored Is Very, Very Dangerous...For Me

Recently I've been so bored and not exquisitely bored either. I have no idea why, I'm busy at work and home but it seems like routine. Now two thing could happen. I could spend money on something foolish like a fur sink, or not so foolish and get stuff for my recording studio. I could also go and get something for the head and that's why I'm posting.
Being an Ex-Addict the fact of being bored is dangerous. I/We will sit and think and next thing you know we are putting something in our arms or mouth. I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. Even when I sit and play guitar I can't get into it. Ever since I moved my recording equipment to another room I haven't been recording like I used to. I still record but not in the same mode. I can't get into it.
Is it Depression? I hope not, but that will creep up on you too. Maybe its because I haven't been reading TBWHM to my boys lately (only because of the content that hit too much home). I was actually thinking on writing a children's book and adding music too it. About children growing up with a dependent parent. Not addicted to drugs but something like chocolate or candy.
I would like to say to my fellow Bloggers that you have helped me a great deal and I thank you. Being involved with Rachel Fullers Blog, Pete's Blog, Mikey and Rene's and Gary's, I have kept myself very busy. But I can't rely on this site forever can I? No, I can't....
So what will it be. My head or my pocket. I think I will call Guitar center and set up something............


Blogger Gary said...

Yes, one day in Oceanic Studios for loyal Pete fans is all we ask. We'd even split our royalties if we have hits. What a lovely facility it is.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

I get bored sometimes. I try not to look too bored, otherwise the Wife gives me some huge home improvement project. It's a delicate balance. On the music, I go through phases where no chords sound interesting, or I have no melody, I don't push it, but if I get a record out and play along, that usually gets the ideas going.

You know you don't want anything to do with bad stuff Michael. Now, tell us about your new guitar please.

8:48 PM  
Blogger PTfan said...

Michael, you know there is too much at stake to go there again. I am proud of you for your progress. I am confident that you will not go to the hell of drugs again. You have decided what is important in your life. Your boys. But not just them, yourself. And you know what? Even if you don't have something to hold your thought every minute of the day, it's ok, because you are not a slave to drugs anymore Michael. They are not your master anymore. You do not have to be afraid of a little time on your hands. You do not have to be afraid of slowing down long enough to hear your own thoughts. If those other voices want to come in to your mind you stand u pand tell them they are not welcome. If they want to scream at you and have a temper tantrum to get your attn., just slam teh proverbial door in their face. Michael, you are so done with that. You do not have to ba afraid that you will have to sucumb to them. You have already proven you can live and live well without them. They don't own you. you are not indebted to them. Even when and if you feel weak you are still stronger than that. No timy tastes allowed. No, "just one more"'s. All done. You are free.! Never put yourself in that prison again. Because they can never put you in that prison again. The only way for you to get locked up is if you walk in that jail cell on your own. I know you would not choose to do that. You are free and you will continually choose to stay free. Do not be afraid Michael. No Fear! I'm proud of you!!!!

8:03 PM  

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