
This is me. This is about my life and a way for me to keep my Sanity. Long Live Rock.....

Location: cape coral, florida, United States

I'm 40 yrs old going on 25ish. I love to sit in front of my 16 track digital recorder and lay some tracks down...I love being with my children

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ok get off your ass.........

"Stop feeling like its the end of the world and start making a difference". That's what I said to myself late last night. I thought to myself, Im not going to live forever and the time I sit doing nothing and being negative is a waste. I want to make a differnce while Im alive and make sure I accomplish things while I have the chance. Remember I said I am deathly afraid of death. I still am, but I still want to make some type of difference. I want to be remembered in a positive way and make the lives of my children as stress free as possible.
Im not going to get it done by sitting around with a pit in my stomach worrying about what others think. I always have had a great possitive attitude, especialy at work. The problem is I would go home and be so burnt out I wouldnt talk. Now I have changed that I make a list during the day of what to go over and talk about with Sherry. Im taking the TV out of the bedroom. Im adding special lights above the bed so she/we can read or look at photos. Here is what I came up with:

We will indulge more in our shared interests:
We will take time to discover some common bonds. Like cooking together, walking,bike-riding, listening to music and dancing.

We will make each other feel desirable:
Like deep kisses instead of little pecks. Big hugs instead of rubbing shoulders.

We will be Relationship centered, not children centered:
We will put us first instead of the children all the time. When I have my days off we will do lunch alone together. More nights out together. We will have regular kid-free time.

We will create an exciting future for ourselves:
Instead of making savings a chore, we will talk about saving for goals. Like a dream home, adopting a baby girl, trip to London, Opening a Beauty Salon.

We will not let ourselves go:
We will help each other in getting healthy, in shape and relax.

We will talk about sex outside the bedroom:
We will tell each other what we like and dislike in bed. We will talk about it not just in the bedroom but outside the bedroom, like when we are cooking dinner, swimming in the pool.

We will continually say “I Love You”:
And not say it but we will show it in little ways. Like gift certificates to one another, cards and maybe surprise dinners made especially for each other.

We will take the TV out of the bedroom:
It will be banished. I think it’s an intimacy-killer. We will make the bedroom a place to relax and be intimate.

We will throw out the “Score Card”:
We will start fresh. No more keeping track on who’s done more than whom, who’s scored more brownie points or who’s done worse things than the other.

We will make new goals together:
We will make goals that will benefit the both of us Mentally, Physically and Romantically.

Well thats it. I hope anyone that reads this will try the same


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're a hard rock band & a mix of all sorts of bands. But I'm a big Foo Fighters fan and that is the model -- hard & fast, slow & melodic, catchy & full out, and all of that.



11:44 AM  
Blogger JoeBoy said...

Looks like a good road to be on. Never stop working on a relationship. I have killed too many relationships by not keeping things growing.

3:43 PM  
Blogger PTfan said...

Wow! Those are great actions steps! Lots of people talk, but you actually took action. Put things in motion.That is fantastic! And you took the initiative. Great. I am so proud of you. I like those ideas.I would like to incorprate them into my life as well. BTW, I have always believed that TV's and bedrooms do NOT mix!

9:36 PM  

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