Music Defined....?

After doing absolutly nothing and feeling down for the last few days. I decided to pop on Rene's Blog site She seems to be a very happy person. Mikey should be happy to have her in his life. The same with Pete having Rachel. And yes me having Sherry.
I'm trying to find out what is the definition of music. Not from the books but from people. What do they think. I believe like some scholars, that there is no such thing as noise. There are only sounds. And music is taking these sounds and putting them in some type of organized manner. Maybe not even organized. Just putting them together
I love all music, it's just the words I may not like or agree with. Music takes me to places I would rather be than where I am at. Music means different thing to different people, but this is the one thing (music) that connects everybody. Could there be a song someday or music someday that everybody in the world will love and be connected to? This would be the one thing that brings the world together..