
This is me. This is about my life and a way for me to keep my Sanity. Long Live Rock.....

Location: cape coral, florida, United States

I'm 40 yrs old going on 25ish. I love to sit in front of my 16 track digital recorder and lay some tracks down...I love being with my children

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ok get off your ass.........

"Stop feeling like its the end of the world and start making a difference". That's what I said to myself late last night. I thought to myself, Im not going to live forever and the time I sit doing nothing and being negative is a waste. I want to make a differnce while Im alive and make sure I accomplish things while I have the chance. Remember I said I am deathly afraid of death. I still am, but I still want to make some type of difference. I want to be remembered in a positive way and make the lives of my children as stress free as possible.
Im not going to get it done by sitting around with a pit in my stomach worrying about what others think. I always have had a great possitive attitude, especialy at work. The problem is I would go home and be so burnt out I wouldnt talk. Now I have changed that I make a list during the day of what to go over and talk about with Sherry. Im taking the TV out of the bedroom. Im adding special lights above the bed so she/we can read or look at photos. Here is what I came up with:

We will indulge more in our shared interests:
We will take time to discover some common bonds. Like cooking together, walking,bike-riding, listening to music and dancing.

We will make each other feel desirable:
Like deep kisses instead of little pecks. Big hugs instead of rubbing shoulders.

We will be Relationship centered, not children centered:
We will put us first instead of the children all the time. When I have my days off we will do lunch alone together. More nights out together. We will have regular kid-free time.

We will create an exciting future for ourselves:
Instead of making savings a chore, we will talk about saving for goals. Like a dream home, adopting a baby girl, trip to London, Opening a Beauty Salon.

We will not let ourselves go:
We will help each other in getting healthy, in shape and relax.

We will talk about sex outside the bedroom:
We will tell each other what we like and dislike in bed. We will talk about it not just in the bedroom but outside the bedroom, like when we are cooking dinner, swimming in the pool.

We will continually say “I Love You”:
And not say it but we will show it in little ways. Like gift certificates to one another, cards and maybe surprise dinners made especially for each other.

We will take the TV out of the bedroom:
It will be banished. I think it’s an intimacy-killer. We will make the bedroom a place to relax and be intimate.

We will throw out the “Score Card”:
We will start fresh. No more keeping track on who’s done more than whom, who’s scored more brownie points or who’s done worse things than the other.

We will make new goals together:
We will make goals that will benefit the both of us Mentally, Physically and Romantically.

Well thats it. I hope anyone that reads this will try the same

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Is it in my head?

Im so fucking depressed and I have no idea why, well I do but ..... Is it me, I mean does everybody get like this? Maybe its because I let everybody just walk over me and say whatever they want even if it hurts me. I dont say anything back I just deal with it and blow it off. But I guess Im not blowing it off if it is starting to affect me. Sherry says it like it is, and she will say things and blame things on me even if I have no control of it and make it seem that the reason for all the bad things in our lives is because of me. Not the good things of course, all the good things we have and the comforts of life and the fact that she doesnt have to work because of me...I have nothing to do with.
She found a note from my "NEW" manager with a childish note attached saying "If you dont get these things cleared up than you cant go on vacation" this was given to me 1 day before I was to go on vacation. She says "If anybody gave me a childish note like that I would tell them to go fuck themselves" Well I cant do that can I...then where would all the money come from. I make a lot...again a lot of money, because I am very good at what I do.
But she made it sound like he was the only one that does that to me ..the walk all over thing. I get it 24 hrs a day. I go home and get the same...I am just tired and, I dont know.I guess Im just tired.......

Friday, January 20, 2006

Filth----Sex Pistols.....

I woke up last nigh and put on the International Film Channel and watched a documentary no the Sex Pistols the rise and decline anyway. So I got up and recorded this at 4:30 am. Sherry was pissed when I started the vocals at 5:30 am, but here it is anyway... My rendition of Berlin Wall Just click here: 01 Berlin Wall.wma (3209 KB)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Finally went Pro-Tools.........I hope

Well after watching Pete's movie and listening to Gary Stockton, I finally went with recording thru my computer using the MBOX-2 with Pro-Tools. So far Im not using it. I'm still installing the fucker. It tell me to input an authorization code......wait a minute I'm listening to Pete do "Who Are You Live..acoustic"...ok well, authorization code yeah. Well I can't find the bugger. It says go to the manual and go to this page or that page and I can't find it. So Im stuck. I will call and get it thats for sure and I hope I don't throw my computer out the window into the Gulf. But from what I have seen with Pete and from what Gary had said Im sure Ill be addicted to it.
Im not going to get rid of my BOSS1600, I may need it, and I will give it to Mikey when he gets going on guitar...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I love Science and Space....

This is my favorite subject.Something I can talk about other than Music for hours. There is so much to learn and discover in the vastnes of space. The 1st picture above is resembling the fury of a raging sea, this image actually shows a bubbly ocean of glowing hydrogen gas and small amounts of other elements such as oxygen and sulfur.
Imagine the size of this? You are talking light years in size....
The 2nd Image is a detailed view of the Whirlpool galaxy's spiral arms and dust clouds, which are the birth sites of massive and luminous stars. This galaxy, also called M51 or NGC 5194, is having a close encounter with a nearby companion galaxy, NGC 5195, just off the upper edge of this image. The companion's gravitational influence is triggering star formation in the Whirlpool, as seen by the numerous clusters of bright, young stars [highlighted in red].
The 3rd Image is a menagerie of galaxies. Located within the same tiny region of space, these numerous galaxies display an assortment of unique characteristics. Some are big; some are small. A few are relatively nearby, but most are far away. Hundreds of these faint galaxies have never been seen before.
I wonder what type of music they listen to????

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Being Bored Is Very, Very Dangerous...For Me

Recently I've been so bored and not exquisitely bored either. I have no idea why, I'm busy at work and home but it seems like routine. Now two thing could happen. I could spend money on something foolish like a fur sink, or not so foolish and get stuff for my recording studio. I could also go and get something for the head and that's why I'm posting.
Being an Ex-Addict the fact of being bored is dangerous. I/We will sit and think and next thing you know we are putting something in our arms or mouth. I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. Even when I sit and play guitar I can't get into it. Ever since I moved my recording equipment to another room I haven't been recording like I used to. I still record but not in the same mode. I can't get into it.
Is it Depression? I hope not, but that will creep up on you too. Maybe its because I haven't been reading TBWHM to my boys lately (only because of the content that hit too much home). I was actually thinking on writing a children's book and adding music too it. About children growing up with a dependent parent. Not addicted to drugs but something like chocolate or candy.
I would like to say to my fellow Bloggers that you have helped me a great deal and I thank you. Being involved with Rachel Fullers Blog, Pete's Blog, Mikey and Rene's and Gary's, I have kept myself very busy. But I can't rely on this site forever can I? No, I can't....
So what will it be. My head or my pocket. I think I will call Guitar center and set up something............

Friday, January 06, 2006

Picking out a new guitar...not that easy

Well Sherry said I could get another guitar, as long as I sell some of my older ones. I have some nice Kents, Kays, Harmony's a Silvertone a hand made one that there is only 3 made (one of which Eric Clapton has), and a Continental form the sixties. I don't think I'll sell the Continental. It's a really nice one with charactor. I am having a hard time picking out a new one though. I want to stay away from hollow bodies and I thought I wouldnt need another acoustic, but I did play a nice Martin 2 days ago and it felt nice and sounded great. Im thinking on Fender Stratocaster (U.S.A made) or maybe and old Charvel? Burns make a nice looking guitar I don't know how it plays though. I am even thinking on building my own. I don't know.... I guess Im posting this for some help, anybody???? Any input would be great, so I can check them out or if your selling???? I'll be reading the comments and it will be appreciated....

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Mikey and Christian.........

Here are a few pics of Mikey and Christian. They are my 2 older boys. Mikey is 12 and Christian is 9. The pictures are of them skiing up north in New Hampshire. Mikey is a wildman on the board and Christian is a pro on 2 planks.Even though he is doing something funny for the camera. They love skiing and the snow since they were babies. The 1st one is Mikey jumping, 2nd is the two of them, 3rd is Christian being goofy.... love of my life. I will post more of all the boys sooooooon......

Monday, January 02, 2006

Jody Linscott- Percussion

I don't know if you ever noticed the people behind the performers, but for me seeing Jody play is phenominal. She has been in mostley all if not all of Pete Townshends solo debuts also with plenty of other artists like Tom Jones, S.O.S, David Gilmour (Pink Floyd), Elton John, Dido, Dan Fogleberg, John Mayall and the great 70's band KOKOMO where she was working as a waitress and heard a sound check from the band and then was drafted to play congas.
Watching her work really makes an evening shine. She just does'nt play she feels and just watching her will make you get into the experience. The one time I remember really mezmorized was at Harbour lights operated by Don Law/Ticketmaster where she played with Pete. I remember standing there with my mouth opened. Now that has never happened to me since I saw TOMMY at like 6 yrs old with Tina Turner. Im pretty sure it was Harbourlights....... all I remember is the performance. If you ever get a chance to watch any of Petes shows on DVD just spend your time watching Jody. You may wab=nt to get your daughters into percussion....

Sunday, January 01, 2006


All I can say is that it's spectacular!! The commentaries are great. Footage is great. Music is great. The special guest performances are great. Especially Phil Collins. Great job Pete and Roger...The commentaries really get into the heart of the DVD.
The TOMMY tour kicked of naturally because of money. T shirts (my favorite) merchandising. In the mid to late 80's a lot of bands just went on tour just because of that. Making miney off merchandising.
It started with Frankie goes to hollywood they were doing small venues and doing 15 dollars per head. Thats when T shirts were 15 dollars. Then Bon Jovi went out. I remember we did a tour record of 16.88 per head. Which means every body in the facility spent an average of 16.88 dollars. Which is over 1 T shirt. Those were busy years and very profitable for everybody. Unfortunately we lost the real
But I did get a chance to see evry band under the sun. The WHO was definately the best. Being a big fan of music and the WHO. Being able to work for them and see them performing 10 feet away from you is a great feeling. There are things I wish I did but was to shy to do.
Tje DVD package consists of 3 DVDs TOMMY, QUADROPHENIA and Extr songs from the shows. It is packaged very well and the story line is perfect. Please dig in your pockets and get it will never regret it. I told Sherry that this was the best gift I ever got..